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职 称:副教授


办公室:商学院 6A308

Office Hours:根据班导师时间安排(见主页公告)或同学要求临时安排

联系方式:021-64322339(电话) haidong@shnu.edu.cn(邮箱)


固定收益证券(本科)、学年论文(本科)、International Investment(研究生)

学术规范与论文写作(研究生)、Chinese Fintech & Finlife(交换生)





现阶段主要研究方向是金融素养教育、数字金融行为与金融消费者权益保护。研究成果发表于International Journal of Bank Marketing, Journal of Consumer Affairs, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, International Journal of Market Research, Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning等国际权威学术期刊。

目前担任International Journal of Bank Marketing编委,中国美国经济学会理事,美国消费者权益学会(ACCI)会员,亚特兰大金融与投资协会(ASFIP)会员等专业与学术职务。主持省部级项目两项,参与多项国家及省部级项目。


Dr. Haidong Zhao is an Associate Professor in the Department of Finance at Shanghai Normal University. Prior to joining the faculty at SHNU in 2020, he was a Senior Statistician at Alliance Data Systems Corporation in the United States. He earned a Ph.D. in Financial Planning, Housing and Consumer Economics at the University of Georgia.

Dr. Zhao’s primary research interests are in consumer finance, with an emphasis in financial literacy and digital financial behavior. He has published in several refereed journals including the International Journal of Bank Marketing, Journal of Consumer Affairs, Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, International Journal of Market Research. Dr. Zhao is a Pujiang Scholar, received a Shanghai Pujiang Program Grant from the Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security, and has secured various funding sources to support collaborative research.

Dr. Zhao is an experienced mentor of both undergraduate and graduate students and teaches undergraduate courses in fixed income securities and academic writing. He also teaches a graduate-level research methods course.