Lecture 12/14: A Study on App Store: How Does Platform Recommendations Affect New Product Sales?
Published:2023-12-11 Publisher:SFB SHNU
Subject:A Study on App Store: How Does Platform Recommendations Affect New Product Sales?
Guest:Professor Yong LIU, Professor in Marketing at Eller College of Management, University of Arizona (UA); Robert A. Eckert Endowed Chair in Marketing; Interim Director for the School of Business Analytics; Marketing Department Head
Host:School of Finance and Business (SFB) SHNU
Time:10:00, 14th December 2023
Venue:Rm. 108, Block A, Building of SFB

Lecture Introduction:
Professor Yong LIU is one of the first scholars around the globe who conducted systematic researches on Internet, social media testimonials and product reviews with open source data. In this lecture, Professor LIU will share his latest research findings of how platform recommendations affect the marketing and sales of new products, with App Store and iOS apps as data sources.